24 June 2009

Cek Tagihan Telkom & PLN Online

Cuma sekedar share info bagi yang belum tau aja. Buat kamu yang pengen ngeCek tagihan telepon rumah (telkom) atau PLN. Sekarang kamu bisa diliat dari situs billingnya. Jadi yang udah liat via online gak usah khawatir kalo pengen bawa duit pas2an buat bayar tagihan.

1. Buat Ngecek tagihan listrik :

Tinggal masukin ID pelanggan dengan angka 12 digit tanpa titik yang ada di kartu meteran listrik. Dan nama yang tertera sesuai dengan nama pelanggan pada rekening listrik.

2. Buat Ngecek Tagihan Telepon atau speedy : http://infobill.telkom.co.id/index.php

08 June 2009

Fix Issue Wordpress 403 Forbidden

Here, let me explaine about my experience when I create new blog with wordpress in hosting. First, I don’t know what happen with my blog in wordpress. So I’m confuse why my blog can’t acces that is “error 403 Forbidden”.

You don't have permission to access /wp-admin/profile.php on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

I think the problem about change permission (CHMod), But I have do change all permission and result is nothing.
Then, I asking to my friend. He recommend to me to edit htaccess. So I googling that with keyword “issue wordpress 403 forbidden”. Look so much solution in the forum navigate, but clue is work for me show that include problem from hosting. this clue explaine to edit file in “.htaccess” to be like below

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off

This file “.htacces” is in WP-folder. But, The next problem is There is no created of “.htaccess”. in this folder..why..I don’t know why. So I’m googling again. Get the next clue “ You have to Make It”
How to make it ?. Simple, You just copy that script to notepad. And give name with “.htaccess”. so you upload it to folder that contain WP file.

Creating and editing (.htaccess)
If you do not already have a .htaccess file, create one. If you have shell or ssh access to the server, a simple touch .htaccess command will create the file. If you are using FTP to transfer files, create a file on your local computer, call it 1.htaccess, upload it to the root of your WordPress folder, and then rename it to .htaccess.
You can edit the .htaccess file by FTP, shell, or (possibly) your host's control panel.
If your .htaccess file contains errors that bring down your site ("Internal Server Error (500)"), you will need to use FTP or your host's control panel to delete the rogue .htaccess file.

Don’t change Chmod of this file. Let it default condition.

That’s it. The problem is solve. I can access my new blog in wordpress without this problem again.

From anysource…



Fix Issue for Installation Artisteer (Template Maker Web Design)

Short note. I just want explain about my experience for fix issue that will be appear when we using the Artisteer. Artisteer is tempalate maker for wordpress, joomla and drupal, anything like that. At before, I have problem why image not shown after final installation. And the software just trial so what you do to be Fun. Maybe you have same problem so you surfing to fix the problem, right ...And It may be you solve that you need..:)

I'm confuse..At first, I think that I need runtime dot netFramework 2 and 3 SP1. but after I'm install that all, there is nothing of the result. And then I think source of the problem is Graphic issue of picture viewer...I dont know why I think like that..but I try install to ACDsee Pro..nothing to solve too.

And the final. I remember when I compile *.chm file..it same problem. I get it for my analogy..For fix installation of htm2chm or chm converter, I need IE (internet explorer) higher version..So I'm using IE8. And it's solve my first problem..It's my remember when I fix this issue. For this case..I do with same analogy..then I'm install the IE8..so this case solve of problem..

Wuuuiih.. it just short note from me. maybe along..but I hope it able to solve same our problem..

Here, I leave link for download artisteer full version from downarchive.com...

Download here
Pass : www.downarchive.com


You install like common. And so you copy of loader to installation folder. And This loader that you run instead of artisteer2.exe



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