22 August 2011

Work for profession or earning a living

Life is the choice. This statements is come true in my life. Everyone sure have  differ of opinion. I just want write this article when my friend talk with me about complaint his job. and when there is no one people want to hear. OK..I'm already to hear that.

I can take so much about two choice of work. And what your choice about that title. You work for profession or just earning a living. This kinds of job so really different. may be you know my means, right..

So many people work just for earning a living, what result if we work like this. OK, based on my talking with my friend. her choice is work for profession, so we can enjoy with our job. we doesn't require affraid feel to lost of job cause we work as professional. but if we work just for earning a living we sure be affraid if lost of job. So whatever done for make the another people comfort by me.

It's depend on by ourself. And by my opinion this choice like my friend so good choice for make me enjoy on the job.

But it's okay, Life is choice....may be all people take differ of this choice. But if we has urgent for get the job, work for earning a living will be good choice..



Email Gratis Dengan Domain Unik

Email gratis yang sangat populer sekarang ini seperti gmail dan yahoo. Namun buat kamu yang ingin mencoba email gratis dengan domain yg unik, kamu dapat langsung ke tkp (mail.com).

Disitu kamu bisa pilih domain email yg kamu suka dan pilihan domainnya pun banyak terutama domain berdasarkan profesi. Lumayanlah kalo mau kirim2 cv atau aplikasi lamaran kerja ke perusahaan biar keliatan lebih formal dan kreatif aja. :D

Disamping itu mail.com ini juga support dengan pop3, sehingga dapat dibuka dengan Microsoft outlook ataupun Thunderbid. dan untuk kapasitas emailnya unlimited

Untuk cara sign-up nya sama sperti daftar email yahoo maupun gmail.

Untuk tampilan emailnya (sudah gw custom) :

Lumayan email gratis dengan domain unik, unlimited storage dan attachment filenya sampe 50 MB. unik bukan. Demikian info dari gw gan...kali aja ada sobat2 yang belum pada tau.



16 August 2011

Convert Image ke Word Dengan Office Tools 2007

Meneruskan post gw yang dahulu tentang cara konvert image ke word menggunakan Office 2003 di sini,  Sekarang gw ingin share gimana biar caranya agar bisa konvert image ke word dari Office 2007.
Dengan menggunakan tools yang sama seperti post sebelumnya yaitu menggunakan MDI (Microsoft Document Imaging), Namun jika kita menginstall Office 2007 secara default maka tools ini tidak akan terinstal dikomputer kita.

Untuk bisa mendapatkan tools MDI ini di Office 2007 ini, kita hanya perlu melakukan perubahan sedikit. 

Langkah-langkahnya yaitu sebagai berikut :

Kamu buka dulu Control Panel, Pilih Microsoft Office 2007

Nah untuk cara penggunaan tools ini sama seperti posting gw yang dulu .

Demikian, moga bermanfaat buat sobat2 yg bingung cara konvert image ke word..



14 August 2011

Insha Allah Lyrics

By: Maher Zain

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray

OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way x2
Insyaallah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way

Video & Lyrics Information
Artist: Maher Zain
Album: Thank You Allah
Lyrics: Maher Zain & Bara Kherigi
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Maher Zain & Hamza Namira
Copyright: Awakening Records 2009

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